Monday, September 25, 2006

Beachboys <<海滩男孩>>

时间是2006 年九月,我已是大学生。认识我的朋友,与我电邮沟通的人都知道我的地址是Beachboys。这个电邮址是从1998年伴随我到现在。将来它也还是有存在的意义。到底Beachboys的意义在哪里?


这部戏在我十五岁时已在我脑海里留下了深深的印象。我到底要过什么样的生活?这辈子应如何度过?因此,每当我生活不如意时,看看<<海滩男孩>>,听听它的原声带总是能让我平伏心中的忧郁。生活方式有千百种,应该没有人可以对我的生活价值提出质疑。。。。虽然我生活不如意,没有任何成就可言,读书、才智、舞蹈、才华,我真的好像什么都没有,但我还是真的希望可以活出一个精彩的人生。 若有人问我,你理想的生活方式是什么,我很天真的说:其实就是<<海滩男孩>>里的那种生活方式。

在戏里,广末凉子的爷爷在最后一集对两位男主角说:这是属于我的海洋,不是你们的。你们应该去寻找自己的海洋。而Beachboys 的经典句子就是“寻找自己的海洋”。可悲的是我至今都没有找到自己的海洋,或许新加坡真的不适合我吧?

我很喜欢大海的原因也是由Beachboys启发的。我没想到海洋原来可以反映那么多的人生观。我喜欢海洋给我带来的那种平静。想想,我也好久没到海边去了,好吧,就在这个星期的学校假期,选个晚上到那儿去走走,吹吹海风 =) 我很希望自己可以活得很好,我想我可能真的不适合商业社会的勾心斗角吧?想到一年后,我的职业,我就总是闷闷不乐。。。

我的海洋究竟在哪里?海洋或许可算是最能慰藉我受伤的内心的治疗,虽然我承认它治标不治本。海洋真的对我很重要,对我有深远的意义。希望从此以后,身边的朋友们也都会知道Beachboys 对我有何含意。=) <<海滩男孩>> 会永远存活在我心中。。。。

End of Entry

Friday, September 15, 2006

Shinhwa concert 2006 in Singapore

Time is 15 Sep 2006, Shinhwa concert was on 10 Sep, but now then i got time to do an entry. Actually still no time one, juz tt i decided to forgo study time to blog an entry. Well, if u can recall, in 2006, my last yr NTU, final yr Acc, i m v unhappy this yr. Things are not going well and they juz seem to get worse. Juz look at this entry, i willing to forgo time to study oso wanna blog, u can imagine how wilful & unhappy i m. Precisely its like, the work & other social factors make my life so mizerable, i already wanna F*** care alot of things liao, tt's y wilfully wanna blog instead of studying for AA306 & AA304. Nbz, got quiz next week i still so wilful. I think any reader can see tt my mood is damn bad liao =(

Okie, back to topic. Shinhwa's concert in Singapore. Yup, the first Korean Band/ Artist to hold a concert in Singapore. All i can say is: they are the longest running band still exsistent(nv disband yet) in the history of Kpop, and there is a reason for this. Cos they are all too talented. U put them together, u get a super combi which u can nv search for anywhere else. And yet, they are so talented, they can advance in their solo careers as well, but juz nv disband. So in team & individually, they all excel. Damn good. H.O.T is oso v good, maybe even better than Shinhwa, but pity they disbanded due to musical differences. Cos Kang Ta likes Jazz/ Bossa Nova genre more, Hee Jun likes Rock, and the Jae Won, Tony, Woo Hyuk still prefers Rap & Hip Hop. So it really ain't easy to keep a band united...

So the performances were great, but i think due to Fatigue, the performance was rather below par, at least compared to their concerts held in Korea. But still i wanna blog an entry cos i hope tt when i old tt time , still can remember when did i go for a Korean Concert. =)

The songs by them:
Perfect man, Hey Come on, Hero, Angel, I pray for u, Only one, Wild eyes, Once in a Lifetime, Brand New, Your Man, Shooting star, Ended the concert with :How do i Say

Some songs i forgot liao, so didnt manage to blog, but according to straits times, they sung 19 songs, which i lost count.... Actually wish to blog abt a critique of their performane, but i really realize tt i really not mood today. Thinking back, actually i have been in a low mood since my Uni days started...
Depression juz cannot leave me, and it juz ends up in a viscous cycle. The longer depression stays with me, the more my depression becomes. The more the magnitude, the longer it stays and everything juz repeats... I oso dunno why & how come i become lidat?

End of Entry