Saturday, February 18, 2006

It's been raining since u left me


这部作品我要表达的是“既悲且无力”。其灵感来自我现在的生活。现实社会的资本主义、现实主义、金钱衡量成就的系统让我透不过气。在无可奈何、垂死挣扎、无助的痛苦情形下,这部作品有了主题,但仍未成形。之后,我觉得长篇大论地讨论人生大道理过于俗气,因此为作品抹上一层糖衣,将其布置成一个爱情故事/ 音乐录影。若读者们仔细揣摩,能够发现作品的各种比喻可以与现实生活挂钩。


It's been raining since u left me



我不愿记忆离我而去,不愿失去所有与你有关的一切!!!I don't wanna lose you now! 那熟悉的味道,那柔情似水的双眼,那双温柔、柔软如绵的巧手,都将逐渐从脑海中褪去,我不愿如此,无奈记忆却对我无情。心伤,心碎,即使心恨,都无可奈何,只因我无力挣扎于现实中。现实的洪流就像这场大雨,无情地捶打着我,无论我怎么挣扎,都无法躲避被袭卷的命运。。。



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

'Cursive' by Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Part II

I believe there is really much more to learn about Dance & Performance. The interesting thing in the sharing session with Mr Lin is tt i get to see the ugly side of Singaporeans. Tt day's audience are ppl largely from the Dance arena, Education arena & Drama arena. Many Singaporeans perhaps wish to display their sophistication as arts consumers, so during the session, instead of Q&A, many ended up giving their comments & critics on Cursive.

Hey, this is extremely shameful, esp when the comments turned out to be very superficial. One of those Eg. "Mr Lin, I feel tt Cursive is a good perf but i find the black costumes too plain, I think U SHOULD add some colors to ur costumes." Wah pls leh, the idea came from the Dance Choreographer himself, he definitely has his reasons for designing his costumes in black only. Ever seen Chinese Caligraphy in colored ink? Pls lah, understand the intentions behind the dance piece b4 u comment. Next, even though dance is open to interpretation, pls phrase ur questions/comments in a better way, Its rude to dictate the Choreographer what he SHOULD/ SHOULD NOT do...

Another eg. "I think this production is very similar to Water Moon, haf u reached a bottleneck in ur Ling Gan? I haf watched many perf by Cloud Gate, i realize e dance pieces r getting more & more similar." Wah piang, pls be more courteous can? Every single production is unique, even if u think its similar, dun shoot it straight to the Choreographer lah, so rude, act as if u very sophisticated. Music diff, costume diff, dance theme diff, everything oso diff, Even if movements a little similar, Internal Feelings of the dancers may be diff as well, How can u juz judge on the surface? Wah piang, e shameful issue is the attitude of trying to act 'sophisticated' but end up giving superficial comments.... =(

Sigh, Singaporeans huh.... =(
'Cursive' by Cloud Gate Dance Theatre Part I

Time is 3rd Feb, finished watching the perf 'Cursive' by Cloud Gate Dance Theatre at Esplanade. Learnt alot from this performance, shall not dwell on the dance piece, in fact shall blog down some interesting Comments by Mr Lin Huai-Min so as for my future references.

1) I didn't come up with any idea for Cursive, everything is open to interpretation by audience"
2) Dance is open to any form of interpretation. There is no Ling Gan to start off with, It started with Adhoc techniques, after which we refine the movements into dance steps"
3) I choreograph simply becos I need a platform for my dancers to perform. The end result of the perf is not impt, the process of choreographing is where the joy lies."
4) Dunno what lies in the future for Cloud Gate, just proceed with every single day; the joy & passion is in uncovering something new & unknown everyday"
5) Evolution is a process tt a dance piece will go thru, thus the existence of the trilogy Cursive, CursiveII & Wild Cursive"

Many much more comments made by him, but these few are the ones i wish to record down. Link point 5) with 3), therefore, should understand tt there is no perfect dance piece in this world. Every single piece of dance goes thru evolution, thereby the process should be more enjoyable than the end product becos the end product will simply evolve into another product. The process is where the growing exists.

What is mentioned by Mr Lin is actually v similar to what was taught by Jeff Tan. Performing, is/should be open to interpretation. Process > End Product, Learn to respect & appreciate products put up by others, crucial point is whether the idea is solid & actualized, performers got perf with their heart & soul.