A short essay has been produced =) This essay maybe not so well-done but becos i dun wanna repeat too much things tt haf already appeared in my previous essays, so yup, i omitted quite lots of stuff in this new essay. But the new thing abt this essay is the inclusion of the english words. Yup the words aren't meant to be read like a story, in fact, it should be read in the form of a Rap. Yes!! Rap.... Haha, didnt know i could oso come up with such stuff....=p
Dear readers, u all can try out the rap, but pls adjust ur Tempo, this is not the kind of rap u hear in hard-core hip hop songs. An adjustable tempo would be something like tt of Jay Chou's Fa Ru Xue, the part where the song abt to end, yup tt kind of a tempo... Another suitable tempo may be tt of Energy's Mou Nian Mou Yue Mou Yi Tian.
Dunno how the rap sounds to u ppl, but it seems okay to me lah, when i tried out a little, got rhythm lei, but anyway first try, so yup, do give a little comments, Thanks lots to all =)
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