Thursday, December 21, 2006

Prelude to Essay 12 : When did your heart stop loving me?

Well, Yes Finally finished my 12th essay aft a damn long time... Sorry no ling gan & no feelings, no time to do due to exams & dance at NHDS, so finally can sit down within these 2 weeks to complete this... This time, dun treat this as an essay, instead treat it as a song... Realize i wrote 'Prelude' instead of 'Foreword'? Cos i treated this as a song, which is why its length is relatively short....

As usual, readers feel free to comment... The ling gan of this product comes from 2 songs; namely my current blog song; "Its gonna be alright" by Shinhwa & "Just Like Now" by Kang Ta. The lyrics for Kang Ta's song are listed below... The song is v touching, i got the feelings by listening to a song whose language i dun understand, can u imagine how touching KT's voice is? I mean to touch some1's heart where he cant even understand what u singing, his vocals are really super good lah, its injected with life & soul..... =) Personally i like the last 2 paras of this product, felt tt i ended it a smooth way, readers how abt u?
Readers, u able to spot which are the words may be used for a chorus? =) some phrases are used repeatedly in this essay/song cos i deliberately wish to create a 'chorus effect' though i dunno successful or not lah...... =p

(Just Like Now) By: Kang Ta

The moment I first saw you, my heart stopped.
It was as if all my many lonely days were spent waiting for you...

I just can't believe that you are standing right before my eyes.
It has started for me...from the moment you and I first met today...

The coming bright morning, the shining/gleaming afternoon, even the dark night...
They will also be happy because of you...

Even my lonely days which I struggled through for so long...just wandering about...
Since you're here now, I'm sure it won't be the case anymore...

Your oh so lovely appearance and my feelings for you...I wish they go on forever...
May this very moment right now be I take care of you

End of prelude
When did your heart stop loving me?



白色玫瑰是你的最爱,在这个色彩缤纷的世界,你对白色、红色情有独钟。飘逸的头发总是散发着迷人的芳香。两口子总是以双“单词”对话,仿佛有如婴孩呀呀学语。喜欢你总是对 Toy Toy念念不忘,喜欢听小猪与大灰狼的故事,喜欢你常在我手臂咬上一口,喜欢你总是看到婴儿就浑然忘我,喜欢和你一起共享绿茶口味的雪糕,喜欢“鹿鹿与抱抱”,喜欢在你生病时陪你去看医生,喜欢在你不开心时陪在你身旁。。。



Love is...... Don't worry about me Girl, I'm gonna be alright..............
End of Song

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Your EQ is 160

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.