Tuesday, November 29, 2005

散文 <<冰天雪地 - 心的接触>>


冰天雪地 - 心的接触






Tuesday, November 22, 2005

<<窗外雨滴-序>> <Raindrop>

Well, another essay done.. This essay took relatively a shorter time. Basically it took me simply one whole afternoon & i managed to complete it. It may not be v well-done but i haf a sense of accomplishment becos this essay was done impromptu, w/o much planning unlike previous essays.
This essay, i got my ling gan from 2 songs; A song for Lady by H.O.T, Wu Jin De Si Nian by Lin JJ. However, the main theme of this essay came from the rain today. It's been raining from this morning till now, so i m here at home nursing my injury, den nothing else to do, hence came up with an essay. =)

Unlike my previous essays, this particular essay has no story line to follow, yah there is but readers may find some pieces of the 'jigsaw puzzle' missing, so u may find tt the changes in the essay r abrupt & not smooth... Hehe, well, its alright cos i only wanted to express some thoughts i haf w.r.t to the 2 songs mentioned above & the rain today. =) I suggest u play these two songs while reading my essay, u may haf a diff feel. Best if when u look out of the window, its raining at the same time when u r reading...

A simple piece of essay, readers feel free to give comments... As usual, i wont get offended, dun worry...

End of Entry

夕 阳西下,阳 光缓缓地从地平线上消失。。。清澈的海水因为失去了阳光的反射,不再耀眼。夜幕低垂,海洋仿佛换上了另一件晚装,营 造了另一种气氛。我独自走 在沙滩上,迎面吹着海风。如此漫无目的地走着,听着海涛击打在岩石上的声音,看着海面上溅起的浪花,时间就在不知不觉中悄悄溜走了。时间总是如此这般在人 类的不知觉中溜走。。。爱情亦是一样。时间是永恒的,对于时间的无情,它的毫不停留,人类处于被动,毫无反抗的处境,一切是那么地无可奈何。面对永恒的时 间,人类显得多么渺小。

她是我一生挚爱,我们的爱情经过很多考验,彼此之间的爱情却始终坚贞不移。但是即使多么纯洁的爱情,也敌不过命运 的摆布。仿佛在扮演着悲剧中的角色似的, 她的身体逐渐衰弱,但在医学上却找不出任何解释。日子一天一天过去了,时间无情地流逝,她变得越来越憔悴。被病魔缠身的她却依然故作坚强,强颜欢笑,不希 望身边的人为她伤心难过。在看似坚强的微笑背后,隐藏着深深的悲痛。我明明知道,也感觉得到,却无力挽回她的笑容。在笑容逐渐褪去的时光中,她的生命也燃 烧到了尽头。。。

纯 洁的白玫瑰枯萎、凋谢了,我的世界停留在一年前的那一霎那,一切冻结了。。。尽管地球还是继续转动,日子也依旧一天一天过去,我却犹如行尸走肉一般,毫无 情感。“对不起,Dear,我虽答应了你不再流泪,但无奈对你的思念还是没减少,而失去你的痛还依旧残留在心中,深深被埋藏在内心的某一个角落,我还是无 法忘怀。。。”

此 时,面对着窗外的绵绵细雨,我不禁想起我们曾经一起走过的路,所踏过的每一片草原。雨点绵绵不绝地击打在窗上;滴答、滴 答、滴答~~~ 雨点在透明的玻璃窗缓缓滑落,仿佛形成了一幅画。画中的那名女生多愁善;她虽然拥有雪白的肌肤,脸上却蒙上了一层忧郁,使她显得越加苍白。那一滴一滴的 雨点仿佛是从她眼中滑落的泪水,颗颗晶莹剔透的泪珠显得纯洁无垢,似乎象征着她真情的流露。。。她是因相思、分离之苦而流泪吗?我试图抚摸她的脸颊,感受 那令人温馨的体温,无奈触碰到的尽是冰冷的玻璃窗。我的心又再次沉淀到深海里,对她的无尽思念这辈子都不会减少。我们之间的距离也不会丝毫缩短。我 知道自己曾经答应她不会沉溺于 悲伤。而能让我见到她的唯一方法是透过雨天、透过那片冰冷的玻璃窗;亦只有每当下雨天,我才能再次见到她。即使如此,我们之间的距离还是让我触摸不到 她。。。

“能与你相爱一次,这一生我已满足。对你的种种思念,我将会把它埋藏在心里,让悲伤不再。” 能够慰藉这颗冰冻的心亦只有下雨天的雨点、只有你。。。

Monday, November 21, 2005

Thoughts & Feelings aft Lao Jiu The Musical 2005

Well, much haf been said abt this production, i haf gone thru alot, including one additional new injury inflicted by my fellow dancer. I shall touch on issue by issue in this entry. Honestly, the moment i got this injury, which i demmed serious, i was v sad, v v sad..
1stly, sad tt i cant practise dance 4 approx 2 months, 2nd, its the issue i wanna bring up in this entry.

With utmost respect to all readers & my frenz reading this entry, dun misunderstand my words. U all should know me well so i shall not think abt 'phrasing'... I'll juz pour out my thots w/o packaging them, pls understand..

The issue is I m injured by my fellow dancer, Mr Low's student. I wanna say why all of us r taught by the same teacher, turned out so differently? I dun consider myself a talent, hence i expect others to hit the same level as me easily, or even surpass me... There is room for improvement for me..
I m so sad is tt why r the students from Mr Low's classes getting more & more CMI? The truth y i was injured is really simply becos he couldn't grasp his amt of strength & his timing & positioning... Isn't a 'Mr-Low-trained' dancer supposed to know all these already? I dun blame him for this becos even Jet Li Jackie Chan in movies they slipped too, & injure too..
Hence, i m not asserting blame, i m simply sad...
I m sad becos the students who r being churned out of Mr Low's hands r getting more & more CMI. Yet, this isn't Mr Low's fault, i saw how he taught these students. Basically he taught me the same things when i was a student, but why did i turn out like tt, & those ppl turn out otherwise?

I m not advocating tt every1 muz be like me, muz be the same... NO!!! I m saying why these basic principles such as timing & positioning r not taken into account when they dance/ perform? I dare to say here, in my blog, tt all the current Sec 3s of NHDS oso make this type of mistake, they r juz pure lucky they didnt injure otheres yet... In a performance, like i always teach them as well, u muz be sensitive to what is going on ard u, u dun juz F***ing dance ur own dance steps & dun bother abt other things.. It doesn't work this way, it isn't supposed to as well... All these advice fell on deaf ears...

Hence i m so sad, which is y i blogged down this entry. Cant they be more careful, more enthu, more hardworking to improve themselves? I m sad becos If this carries on, i wouldnt dare & wouldnt want to dance with any of the dancers in DI liao, cos they jeopardize my life leh...
F***, this time is ribcage already damn serious liao, next time is what?

So the sadness continues, cos if i dun dance with them, i haf to part with my beloved dance... I really dun wish to.. But it doesnt mean i haf to compromise & accomodate these sub-standard ppl who will endanger my life-span in dancing... I wanna carry on dancing 4 a long term, i really wish to, the only possible way is tt they muz buck up...... Not i bring myself to tt kind of level to join them...

Argh................................... Why muz things turn out like tt?

End of Entry (with sadness)
Dance Exp in Events so far (from 1996 - 2005)
Edited version since 21 Nov '05

Blogged this entry so tt in future i can easily recall what i did during my younger dayz...
Realize my memories r failing me recently..
If u realize tt is the reason y i suddenly chose to blog...
A paperless collection of my memories...

1996 - NDP Mass Display
1997 - SYF Dance Competition Joyful Harvest(Gold)
1997 Dec to 1998 Jan - My 1st self-choreographed dance under guidance of Mr Low (my idea was later adopted & edited by Mr Low for 1998's D.I. production Snake Dance) Titled: Zhan Wu Bu Sheng
1998 - SYF Mass Display at Kallang Stadium
1998 - Hope, Vannessa Mae dance (e table & chou)
1999 - SYF Dance Competition, Forging Ahead (Gold)
1999 - Suntec Millenium Countdown (at top of Fountain, circle road) - Forging Ahead
2000 - Kallang Theatre, He Wu Gong Ming 2000 - The world in the Magical Box *w Guang Ming + Han Qiang etc
2000 - NKF event at e water area opp Istana Park - 30+ min dance (comprieses of: my very 1st self-choreographed solo dance under the guidance of Mr Low, Titled: Pan Gu (duration 10 min) + The world in the Magical Box (editied version, 15 min) , + Hope)

2000? - I think.... Chingay at Nicoll Highway
2001 - Quit 4 'A' Levels
2002 - Go back NHSS help the Chingay at Padang
2003 - Aft Commission, later half of the yr go back join Mr Low
2004 - NKF event at e water area opp Istana Park - The world in the Magical Box (diff from 2000, is this time no stage, straight away dance in water) Path Productions
2004 - Wu Ju 3 (collaboration w Foo Chow Assoc) Kopitiam + Bottle up
2005 - Chingay 2005 @ Orchard Road
2005 - NDP 2005 @ Padang
2005 - Lao Jiu The Musical 2005 presented by TTP

Out of the list unmentioned are minor performances such as Cultural Pot & Sch Anniversary + Comm Centre perf....

Partners i have cooperated with thru out the years:
1996 - Xueping
1998 - Lee Hao Yih, Chuiling, ZhiQian, Cai Shiming, Jingling
1999 - Connie Wan Ziying
2000 - Zhou Xiu, Hui Ting, QianHui, Xiao Huimin, Xiao Wanling
2003 - Xue Zhen
2004 - Shi Hui, Adelene Kong, Wei Yun, Yunyun

So far from 1996 - 2005 is lidat... (edited since 21 Nov '05)

Some dance memories:
*2002 Dec i went NHSS @old sch campus NHPS for e dance camp, is last time i saw Mdm See still as a teacher in NHSS....
*smth worth mentioning abt yr 2000 NKF event: Last chance 4 3 of us dance together Weiyang, me & Zixiang.. Weiyang nv dance since then...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Lao Jiu The Musical (Part 4/4)

The New Drama Centre

The venue where Lao Jiu is staged is at the New Drama Centre, above the new National Library. Lao Jiu is the opening performance for the new drama centre, thereby Shi Jian is the first troupe to use this venue for a performance. Haha...
Woah, the facilities there r good.. Well, i dun haf the chance to go to the control room to take a look at the control lighting & sound syst but the theatre is well-designed and furnished.

Why do i bother to enter an entry juz abt New Drama Centre? Cos last night during the rehearsal there, i suddenly realized once again why i had liked to perform... When i stepped into the dressing room of Drama Centre, woah, it was great!!! though with only 3-4 rooms, but each room is considered spacious. (Dun compare to Kallang Theatre lah, but its better than Vic Theatre) With a bathroom in each dressing room, moreover shower got heater. In dressing room still got personal lockers for putting belongings. Most impt, it is spacious, really spacious, can do all the necessary warm-up in there b4 going on-stage..

The seating capacity of Drama Centre is rather small, the stage is relatively deep but not wide enough, approximately do 2 handspring can reach end to end liao.. The stage floor texture is smooth, too smooth till slippery, not v safe, do stunts v dangerous. The front seats are too close to the stage front, i can imagine Mr Low's dances sure cannot perform there... No place to jump down stage, audience is directly juz in front of u.. The dist from u to him is abt 2 rows of seats... But anyway, every stage has its uniqueness and i still exploring this stage.. =)

When i stepped up onto the stage of Drama Centre, it was a familiar feeling, like i haf found my long-lost friend... Recall: Do u know when i haf last stepped onto a theatre stage? It was in 2004, Wu Ju 3 in Vic Theatre. A yr ago leh... It was really a long-lost feeling...
Standing on stage, touching the curtains, all the side lights, walking on stage, putting markings here & there for positioning, feeling the stage floor, looking at the audience seats from the centre of e stage, all these feelings just came back to me again... I just felt happy all of a sudden, & juz so happy.
The dressing room gives me a comforting & familiar feeling as well... I always recall that dressing rooms (holding area) are always the places with most fun... In fact, i decided to bring my clothing, sleeping bag & my books to study at Drama Centre while waiting for my scene rehearsal... Haha, like the feeling of wandering around & exploring theatres...

I recall why i haf always liked performances in theatres. It is this kind of familiar, fun, wander ard feeling tt keeps me always interested in going to theatres to perform.. In fact, i seriously like them. I remember the first time i wandered ard Kallang Theatre to everywhere as if it was my playground. From toilets to hidden staircases, emergency fire exits, all dressing rooms, control room, & interestingly, how to get into theatre w/o paying 4 tix.

Enjoyed the rehearsal at Drama Centre last night, i found the feeling once again... =)
I want/wish to perform in theatres every now & then...

End of Entry
Lao Jiu The Musical (Part 3/4)

Haha, this part i wish to say abt the happy memories i haf when participating in Lao Jiu. It's damn interesting, i got to know so many ppl and tt they r so 100% professional, i m impressed. (though there r exceptions sometimes =p)

Let's just intro: till now i dunno many of them abt shall just try my best. 1st; Johnny Ng (Huang Jia Qiang Da-ge), oh cos every1 in Shi Jian address him as Jia Qiang Da-ge. He is my opponent in my fight scene and of course i m the one kanna beaten up lah, but he is damn professional. I shall touch a little on technical aspects; his powerful voice projection, his yan shen and hence the entire say, really walk like got wind blowing... Gangster really act until like gangster. professional.

Next, Jonathan Lim; Yup yup, he is tt Jonathan from Wild Rice, the assoc artistic director. In a certain way, he is currently Ivan Heng's Right Hand Man. Basically his skill the same as Jia Qiang Da-ge, dun wish to touch so much on technical aspects. He was also a ex-lecturer in NUS teaching Theatre Studies. He acts as Mr Jin in Lao Jiu, the person offering the scholarship to Lao Jiu.

Next, Lim Kay Siu; if u dunno him, he is Frankie Foo in PCK. Ring a bell? Well, he is damn good lor, he polish his chinese language v hard, professional sia.. In this show, he is really one of the most hardworking artistes.. Oso, his smoking hor, wah, Power... Haha...

Next, Alvin; he is the asst. director for Lao Jiu. Something worth mentioning, he is from Old Ox Theatre last time, so yah, if u know drama & theatre, u will know Old Ox ppl damn pro one, this one dun need elaborate. Something worth mentioning is his acting skills lah, imagine he can act ah-beng until so alike tt even Yongxuan oso scared of him leh... Wah, his yan shen & say is good man... In our fight scene, he was the 1 responsible for teaching us how to act like true ah-bengs, unlike what u see at the bus stops nowadays...

Next, Trey & Justin; Justin one yr younger than me, studying in SIM now, oso interested in Arts one lah, he is v into fliming, got productions participate in Singapore Film Festival b4. Trey, a yr older than me, wah lau, this guy is freaking good sia. He is now in NUS Theatre Studies, and oso an active dancer of NUS dance ensemble. His ji ben gong wah piang, so old liao still so flexible, i v impressed.. oso a little envy/jealous... sob, sob...

Next Mindee & Magdalene; well, they sometimes appear on TV as actors or models. Something worth mentioning is Magdalene's voice. Wah, her vocal damn good, powerful sia... high pitch too, the key v high...

There are many others who r all v professional but i still dunno many of their names yet..=p But i really wish to say: When they r on rehearsal, they usually full-up all e time & when they do, they r completely different. Their energy is focused on the stage, when in curtains, they keep quiet & dun talk to each other at all.. Fully focused on what is going on on stage, how to prep their emotions for next scene etc. Every1 is extremely enthu & nobody spoils the atmosphere, all fully prepared, 100% concentration, no giggling, no chatting. Though they r at side stage, they r fully involved in the flow of the show, so dun need to try to ru xi again later.

F*** lah, compare this to ppl in DI? No 100% concentration & devotion at all... Mr Low say muz let them come & learn from others, he meant this type of attitude & prep methods. Hence, these past months in Shi Jian, i really happy to exp this high level of professionalism, unlike in DI..

This crew is really fun to be with, i seriously enjoyed the rehearsals with them. The most interesting thing is our talk-cock seesions where we sit down & chat during waiting time. Wah piang, laugh till like siao, even Kay Siu & Jonathan join in our sessions... Haha... Interesting ppl..
I m v happy to haf met & know these ppl...

Something worth mentioning: Wah lau eh, Jeff Tan is really rather well-known in this arena, imagine when both Jonathan & Alvin talked to me, they asked me how come i know abt theatre stuff such as alienation effect, i said: oh Jeff Tan taught me b4, they said, Orh, Jeff Tan ah.... No wonder lah... They were full of praises of Jeff... Haha, with thanks to Jeff Tan, i was introduced to theatre & got to know this bunch of interesting ppl... Really happy =)
Lao Jiu the Musical (Part 2/4)

Well, this part i would like to enter my personal thoughts abt my life after participating in Lao Jiu.

I find myself so similar to the role of Lao Jiu and tt i face similar consequences regarding my decision. But well, right up till now, i dun haf the courage to decide yes, i go dance full time. Nope, i haf not. In fact, i may feel tt i dun even haf the capability to do tt. After all, i not like Connie who since young has been learning dancing etc. I dun think i m up to mark yet. Okie, this is the technical aspect, i dunno good enough or not.

Next, is the aspect of stable income. Actually Arts can oso haf stable income one. 1 good example is Mr Low. Others would be Drama Troupes like Wild Rice, TheatreWorks etc. All can make $$. It depends on how u do it, do u spend extravagently on every single production? So the stability comes from Sourcing. If u haf a great network of contacts, u can get jobs relatively easy, in such a way, income is considered rather stable. I dare say at least 4 a yr.

Next, is the aspect of Reality. Honestly, passion matters alot but it doesn't decide Everything. Life is not a bed of roses. I taught in Tanglin for a yr so far, i realized it's really damn hard. Wanna impart my skills to them, but they mostly not interested. Interested ones, not hardworking enough, learn a bit den give up... Sigh... Moreover, Life is harsh. If i wanna go full time i would haf to think of ways to up my profile, these may include winning in dance competitions etc. But reality is: in these competitions such as Funkamania, Anti-Drug etc, newcomers usually dun win no matter how gd u r. I dun think u even make it thru the audition. It is the regular customers tt choreograph & participate who win. So all in all, Reality bites.

So basically, its oso not tt easy to be like Lao Jiu, say decide den decide. U may haf to be like him, embark on a lonely journey w/o anyone beside u. And just like the ending of the drama, u dunno what lies in the future, there is uncertainty....
Lao Jiu The Musical (Part 1/4)

Time is Nov '05. As mentioned in past entries, i m into this musical by Shi Jian Ju Chang. Honestly, i learnt alot from this collaboration with Shi Jian. Though i just take up a minor role, but i got to know lots of ppl, & seriously learnt alot. Even thinking oso a bit change. After all, these theatre ppl always are always innovating. Whether in terms of thinking or productions, always got their own unique styles. =)

For this entry, i shall include the plot of Lao Jiu, and state out why i sincerely feel its a good script.. Kuo Pao Kun is really a genius with his She Hui Zhu Ti Ju Chang, always ever pointing out the 'sickness' of our society. Yup, to him, he may haf viewed it as sickness and other audience/ critics may not think tt the point he brought out is a type of 'sickness' but anyway tt's not impt. What impresses me is tt he managed to bring out these points which r close to our life and tt we can relate so closely to the script.. The plot goes like this:

Lao Jiu, the ninth child of the family, only son, is the pride & joy of his father, an ex-gangster. It was foretold that this brillant young man will achieve great success in life. Now on the brink of winning a prestigious scholarship (for the gifted) that will ensure a glorious career, Lao Jiu finds himself more fascinated by Puppetry, a dying art which no youngsters r interested. He yearns to be a student of Shifu, his dad's cloest friend. Torn between reality & dreams, modernity & tradition, he is determined to find his destiny.

Eventually he gave up the scholarship though he topped among all e gifted, and went on to learn puppetry from Shifu. But the plot has many underlying themes, it isn't just abt Arts Vs. Stable job kinda theme. 1stly, his father is like my parents, relatively lowly educated. He was a gangster when young, stayed with Martial Arts sch, learnt Wushu and didnt haf $$ to go study at all, not even primary sch. Having the only son who was highly gifted, it's natural he would want his son to get the scholarship & hence stable job & dun need like him slog like mad for the entire life. This comes in the theme abt our parents always telling us to study hard, get a degree, come out & haf a stable job..

However, his passion was in puppetry. Actually, tt is what is in the script but actually audience can interpret it in any way, u can simply put urself into Lao Jiu's shoes, and replace Puppetry with Dance/ Music/ Visual Arts/ Wushu/ whatever arts. So the theme abt Passion Vs Reality. So How? Usually ppl say those who do arts end up with no money, will be damn poor etc. So do u want a luxurious life or u dun mind as long as u spend everyday fruitfully doing what u love most?

So eventually, there is a conflict between him & his entire family, cos their hopes are all on him. So the issue here is: Filial Piety Vs Pursuing ur own dream? If u give up scholarship, u give up a successful career which can bring ur family out of poverty, in such a way, u failed ur parents, thereby considered unfilial. Or would u choose to pursue ur dreams & passion?

Next, the hint in the script abt dying art. If nobody takes up Arts as full-time jobs, such as Lao Jiu, eventually It will be too late and e Art will be totally lost. This is the interesting part in the script. In the ending, when Lao Jiu finally decided to learn puppetry from Shifu, Shifu died of a terminal illness 3 months later. N it was not stated in the ending whether did he learn everything he ought to from Shifu b4 he died. I mean, so what if Lao Jiu decided to learn? It was only 3 months, i dun think he learnt everything. In a certain way, the art may be considered lost. The issue is: When society such as Singapore does not place emphasis on dying arts, eventually it gets lost. I dare say many forms of arts in Singapore r already facing similar fate. Eg. Puppetry, Chinese Opera, Gao Qiao, and some music instruments in Chinese Orchestra.

The conflict here is tt nobody is right nor wrong. Its only natural tt parents want their child to haf stable income etc, but neither is Lao Jiu's fault if he decides to puruse his dreams. The conflict is tt, if Lao Jiu pursues his dream, he has to carry the 'name' of unfilial, selfish, not providing for parents' old age etc. Anyway, in the end of the drama, Lao Jiu's father passed away too not long after Shifu passed away. N the family members who once doted on him, started to 'mind their own business' so in a certain way, the family is no longer as close as b4. N Lao Jiu embarks on his lonely journey as an artist (puppetry). It is just a very bei ai ending.

The presentation of the script thru a musical is oso v good, can feel the sadness in every1, in the entire story.... There is alot to read from the show, i cant spell out everything cos its too much, even a simple dialogue has hidden meaning/ implications. So yup, its really a great script! =)