Congratulations Zhongyi, you are...

'Xia Xue' Wendy Cheng of
You are a goddess/god. You've got the looks, the brains and the body. You have such an irreverent sense of humour, people listen to you religiously and worship the ground you walk on. On the other hand you can also be straightforward, blunt and very very controversial. That has the potential to offend many people, but of course you don't care, you just shoot. In the end, people either love you or hate you. Nothing in between.
Which Singaporean Blogger Are You?
Got this from Sam's blog, quite interesting personality test, wont say its totally true but really got some parts apply v closely to me... Keep this 4 reference, next time when i old liao can take a look... Though i know these personality tests usually apply generally to many ppl, n generalise every1's personality but anyway nv mind ba... Anyway i m always interested in doing these type of personality/leadership tests (such as MBTI, MIT) or whatever...
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